Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ex-Beatle in Record Contract Shocker!

George Harrison - My Sweet Lord

George Harrison, eh? Apparently he had some talented friends. Clearly that bunch managed to lean on a record executive heavily enough to get Harrison a record contract because there is no way that he would have gotten one on the basis of his talent. Well, certainly not if My Sweet Lord is anything to go on.

And what a pile of execrable, pseudo-pious bullshit this is. This is the kind of music that middle aged housewives on their Hare Krishna experimentation phase decide they want played at their funerals. To add to it all, this song is nothing but a rip off of The Chiffon's He's So Fine. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

Probably the worst bit of an awful song are the chanty backing vocals. Music has to work pretty hard to be worse than My Sweet Lord's sickly sweet backing vocals proclaiming "Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, etc etc". Harrison did, apparently, manage to push the boat of shit out a bit more by exhorting crowds at his concerts to “chant the holy name of the Lord.” before singing “Om Christ, Om Christ, Om Christ” ad nauseum, adding, “I know a lot of you out there think that’s swearing, but it’s not! If we all chant together purely for one minute, we’ll blow the roof off this place" (Giuliano, The Private Life of George Harrison). I don't know how the crowd managed to contain themselves but, seeing as the stadium probably didn't have a roof anyway, disaster was narrowly averted.

By this juncture we've worked out that Harrison is the untalented, psycho-religious Beatle. One would imagine that it would be hard to be less talented than the drummer (there's an old joke about rock drummers: How do you suffocate a rock drummer? Lock them in the car on a hot day. Guffaw), but Harrison has managed to sink to that low. Basically, this is one of the worst songs I have had the displeasure of finding on this list and it will forever colour my view of Harrison.

My sweet load of crap.

Guns n' Roses - Paradise City

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